The Legacy of Green Hill Zone
It's an ongoing joke amongst fans of the series that Green Hill Zone is Sonic Team's (read: Iizuka's) favorite zone in the Sonic franchise. It seems to have appeared countless times since the release of Sonic 1. But, how often has it really appeared? Let's take a look! NOTE: Remakes/Re-releases and direct ports don't count. I also will not be counting similar levels such as "Emerald Hill", because many Sonic levels tend to start with a relatively simple, tropical level to ease players into the game. This is counting how many unique games actually use a level with that name and likeness. 1. Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit) - "I thought you said direct ports don't count!" Well, they don't. But the lesser known 8-bit Sonic 1 is not really a direct port. Sure, it certainly shares many elements, including 3 zones. But with two of those 3 zones having unique music, 3 original zones, and every level having unique layouts and obstacles, on t...